Sunday, January 20, 2008

Week One: Introduction

Name, and anything interesting you have to say about it.
My name is Brittany Jennings. One interesting thing about my name is I always have to spell out my first name because no one ever spells it out right, but my last name is easy so I never have to spell that out. Unfortunately, everyone tries to spell my first name like Britney Spears but I have never met anyone who actually spells it like that.

My major is accounting and I am a senior.

Place of origin.
I grew up in the Poconos in Pennsylvania but moved to King of Prussia PA and graduated high school there.

Favorite TV show.
My favorite TV is by far Nip Tuck I watch it every week, it is actually on tonight at 10 on FX if you want to give it a try!

Most detested food.
I really am not a picky eater, but I do not like crab cakes. I like all other kinds of seafood though.

Last thing you read (not for a class).
I really like to read. I like to read mysteries and usually read at least 6 books a summer. The last book that I read was A Scandalous Freedom, which unfortunately was last summer. I never seem to have enough time to read during the school year.

Worst date.
I don't think I have had any terrible dates. I guess just awkward ones where you don't really know what to talk about with the guy.

Comfort level with the on-line technologies required by this course.
I am pretty comfortable with the technology requirements for this course. I have used my Penn State web space before but I just have to refresh my memory a little on it.

How your gender affects your life.
This is a question that I do not think about a lot, but I would definitely say my gender does affect my life. I think because I am a woman I try to prove myself more. I try to be very independent and work really hard to prove that women can do anything!

Include a link to the website you visit most often.

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